News ID: 2124
Publish Date : 11 March 2018 - 09:15

What Will Happen to The 85 Vehicle Standards?

Executing 85 vehicle standards had stories from the first day and now as we get closer to the execution time, the governmental dissension are increasing.
Khodrocar – There were a lot of talks around the topic of increasing vehicle standards from 63 to 85, from the first days till now. Since the day that the chairman of national standard organization announced the mandatory of 85 vehicle standards, we heard a lot about the time and the process of executing this law and now the dissension between governmental officials are at its peak.

Dissension of the government is obvious these days. At first, December of 2018 (Dey of 1397 in the Iranian calendar) was set as the deadline of upgrading local and foreign vehicles’ standards, but now we are the beginning of 1397 (Iranian calendar) and disagreements are surrounding this law. Right now, a governmental official disagrees with this plan and on the other hand another one is talking about executing this plan properly.

Now, in the last days of 1396 (Iranian calendar), deputy minister of Industry, Mine and Trade, Mansor Moazami and deputy minister of Industry, Mine and Trade in industries affair, Mohsen Salehi Nia are announcing the 85 vehicle standards decrement. They said that some of these standards are not mandatory in even Europe. They also said that some of these laws are encouraging and the national standard organization should reconsider them.

Just 2 days after these governmental officials talk, CEO of national standard organization insists on executing this law properly and said: "according to the approve of automotive policy council, all importers and manufacturers must obey and execute the 85 standards according to the schedule.”

"The 85 mandatory vehicle standards and executing them in 3 years is too hard due to the auto industry infrastructure.” Said Hasan Karimi Sanjari, an auto industry expert. "In the period of 1395 to 1397 (Iranian Calendar) automakers have to equip themselves with standard.”

"Totally, these standards could be a way to increase the quality of the auto industry. Automakers shouldn’t forget to improve their production line and they must install these standards on their products and lines.” He added. "Right now, new platforms are not available and these standards won’t consider.”

According to Khodrocar report, by executing the first phase of new mandatory standards at the beginning Dey 1396 (Iranian calendar), automakers and importers obeyed the rules and discontinued the non-standards products. Now we have to wait for the final decision to see the future of Iran’s auto industry.

Khodrocar Reporter: Negar Mirkarimi

Khodrocar Translator: Amin Zamani